Parker & Grammy
Pop & Parker
Daddy, Parker & Mommy
we had an exciting christmas this year with a 1 year old to spoil! it was nice to see him get to play with new toys & he did get a LOT of new toys. i put up several toys that are either outside toys or something new to save for the SUMMER! i feel bad that his birthday is 6 days before christmas! i mean it isn't his fault we were on fertility drugs and it happened when it did. anyway, here are some pics, ENJOY!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Monday, December 22, 2008
Birthday Boy
birthday boy's own cake
opening up a gift
experiencing his 1st sugar rush
i think i like this stuff on top of the cake
well our big boy turned 1 on december 19th and we celebrated his birthday with a party on saturday, december 20th! we decided to have a small family party at our house with lunch & cake! we enjoyed the party and everyone had a great time! parker wasn't much help with opening the presents, but that was to be expected! here are some pics of the party!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
BOO Bash at M&M Mars (Mars Inc)
we went to the BOO bash at our waco M&M Mars chocolate factory! IT was AWESOME!! parker is too young to eat the candy so lucky mama & daddy! it only took 15 minutes to walk through the area for trick or treating and we had tons of normal size candy bars. they gave out starburst, skittles, milky way, 3 musketeers, snickers, m&m's, twix and gum!! YUMMY we're going to have a tummy ache! a friend of parker's from daycare invited us. his name is hayden. hayden's dad went to lorena & his mom works at the same hospital as i do! it was so nice of them to invite us & we had a great time!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
well, i have made 2 trips to the lorena pumpkin patch! the first time i went by myself and took the pictures with the boots, wrangler jeans & red long sleeve shirt. the second trip i decided to take brodie so i could have someone trying to get parker to look towards the camera. parker loves kids and i could not get him to cooperate and look at me. i think these are the best i'm going to get this year! i bought the little pumpkin in the pics with the long sleeve shirt and he likes to chew on it & carry it around the living room! ENJOY!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
we've missed you
Well, Parker is crawling all over the house. He is into EVERYTHING! We have had to childproof our house. We have cabinet hooks, baby gates and outlet plug covers. He has started pulling up on his jumperoo, the fireplace, coffee table and the couch. We are BUSY these days! I'M SORRY I haven't had time to post new blogs. I know the same OLD excuse about being busy! But, I promise that between work & home I really am busy! Ricci and his dad tiled our kitchen, dining room and laundry room last weekend and IT LOOKS GREAT! We should be getting our granite coutertops in our master bathroom, parker's bathroom & the kitchen next month! We have been updating our house for 2 years since we bought it and are almost done!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
SORRY, we've been BUSY bottoms!!!!
sorry we haven't blogged yet this month! alot has been going on, i just haven't made time to blog about it. Parker has 2 bottom teeth that came in this month. the first one was the bottom right on the 9th and the left one broke through his gum on the 23rd! he has been sitting up and newest trick is rocking back & forth on all four limbs!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Frisco FUN
CUTE COUSINS - Landry & Parker
YUMMY fingers!!
okay, move over!!
thanks aunt sara for the cool shades!!!
swimmer boy - he must be a bennett!!
well, as most of you already know we went to frisco to celebrate my dad's 61st birthday. erin & bobby hosted the lunch at there house. it was great to go visit them, since they always come down here for everything!! landry & parker got to spend some quality time together and it was very entertaining! the boys, ashton, grammy & ricci went swimming! ENJOY the pictures!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Nana & Pop's VISIT
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Daddy & Parker
Grampy, Mommy & Parker
Pop, Daddy & Parker
well, we hope everyone had a wonderful father's day! we visited nana, pop, aunt jenn & uncle justin (ricci's family) on saturday & sunday. we left there house and went to grammy & grampy's house for sunday dinner. we got home at 6 pm and ricci went outside to mow our yard. he went to his deer lease on saturday before going to his parents house. i was on call friday night, so he had parker duty and didn't have a chance to work in our yard. he is having to mow our yard every 4 days because our st. augustine is so thick! i felt really bad that he was so BUSY on his 1st father's day! i wish he could have relaxed and not worked so hard!
bathing in Nana's sink
what's over on this side
entertaining us at sunday dinner
our house
Saturday, June 7, 2008
just another day
curious parker
what's in my pants
so sweet
naptime is over
we were working in the yard all morning and this afternoon i got parker in the pool for the 2nd time. he still likes it, but today i didn't let the sun warm up the water before i put him in. he noticed and i had to take a picture. i can't wait for him to start talking and telling us what he is really thinking! after being in the pool for 20 minutes, i fed him and he took a well deserved nap. here are a few pics of our saturday!!!